søndag, juni 19, 2005

Göbbels ville være stolt

Anti-amerikansk propaganda får et stadig større marked i Tyskland og Frankrig for tiden, og på det seneste er konpirationsteorier begyndt at være en del af repertoiret. I Frankrig skaffede Thierry Meyssan´s løsagtige påstande om at muslimske terrorister var uskyldige i terrorangrebene 11. September, og at det faktisk var Pentagon der havde planlagt det hele ham både en bestseller og utallige talkshow-optrædender.

I Tyskland er det imidlertid nået et skridt videre - der er konspirationsteorierne nået helt ind i mainstream-medierne. Washington Post:
A fictional crime drama based on the premise that the Bush administration ordered the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Washington aired this week on German state television, prompting the Green Party chairman to call for an investigation. ...

Sunday night's episode of "Tatort," a popular murder mystery that has been running on state-run ARD-German television for 35 years, revolved around a
German woman and a man who was killed in her apartment.

According to the plot, which was seen by approximately 7 million Germans, the dead man had been trained to be one of the September 11 pilots but was left behind, only to be tracked down and killed by CIA or FBI assassins.

The woman, who says in the program that the September 11 attacks were instigated by the Bush family for oil and power, then is targeted, presumably to silence her. The drama concludes with the German detectives accepting the truth of her story as she eludes the U.S. government hit men and escapes to safety in an unnamed Arab country.

At det præsenteres som underholdning er en ting, men problemet er at tyskerne faktisk tror på det:

Many Germans think, for example, that the 1969 moon landing was faked, and a poll published in the weekly Die Zeit showed that 31 percent of Germans younger than 30 "think that there is a certain possibility that the U.S. government ordered the attacks of 9/11.

Ud over den anti-amerikanske vinkel har ARD også det til fælles med DR at begge er licens-financierede og nominelt uafhængige - det vil sige at licensbetalerne ingen som helst indflydelse har på propagandaen.



Blogger Christianus said...

Det er naturligvis ikke den overordentligt ventre-orienterede Washington Post der staar for denne rystende artikel. Det er derimod Washington Times.

5:20 PM  

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