søndag, juni 19, 2005

Flere krigsforbrydere til Sverig-stan, tak!

Overskrift set på Ekstrabladets hjemmeside:
Sverige vil have flere krigsforbrydere

Al den tid at der allerede er op mod et tusinde krigsforbrydere i Sverige der ikke bliver retsforfulgt skulle landet måske tage sig af den sag før det begynder at importere flere?:
STOCKHOLM: War criminals and human rights violators from Afghanistan, Africa, the Middle East and the Balkans find refuge in Sweden where they are protected from repatriation and never prosecuted, officials and activists say. A respected voice on human rights which is quick to denounce abuses abroad ...

But Sweden itself has only one policeman investigating human rights abusers who have found refuge on its own soil. He reckons as many as 1,000 live here, protected from deportation by a UN convention and with little risk of being brought to justice.

“If someone sits down and goes through the immigration files he or she will easily find several hundred or maybe a thousand potential war criminals,” detective superintendent Hans Olvebro, the Swedish police’s one-man war crimes unit, told Reuters. ...

Frida Blom of human rights group Swedish Peace called it “really hollow” for Sweden to tout itself as a champion of the persecuted but have one person investigating war crimes whereas Denmark has a Special International Crimes Office with 17 staff.

Her mangler vi så den sædvanlige klagesang fra de danske medier om hvordan danske forhold er i forhold til "lande vi sammenligner os med". Problemet er at det her ser bedre ud i Danmark end Sverige, så det er ikke interessant.

Nå, tilbage til Sverige:
Human rights groups believe Sweden is home, for example, to members of the Khad, Afghanistan’s secret police under Communist rule in the 1980s when 50,000 people were killed. Two Khad men in the Netherlands were accused of war crimes there last month.

They also believe it shelters members of the South Lebanon Army, a Christian-led militia set up by Israel in 1985, accused of torturing and killing Palestinians and Lebanese. When Israel pulled out in 2000 its commanders fled, some of them to Europe.

In a sample Olvebro took of 500 arrivals from a country he would not name, half were “military, police, politicians or maybe doctors who worked in prisons” warranting investigation.

Jo, Sverige er skam et lækkert sted at være.


Der er forøvrigt rigelig ammunition i medierne til at lægge Göran Perssons Sverige for had som man normalt gør Bush´s USA. Sidst i maj kunne TV2 således fortælle at Sverige laver biologiske våben for præstestyret i Iran, og idag kan Aftonbladet fortælle at Sveriges statsminister Göran Persson havde forud-viden om 11. September.
