søndag, juni 19, 2005

Palæstinensisk våbenhvile - Palæstinensisk logik

Palæstinenserne leverer endnu et bevis på præcist HVOR troværdige deres løfter om våbenhvile er. Iflg JP:

En palæstinenser blev dræbt, efter at en militant, palæstinensisk gruppe havde angrebet en israelsk militærbase i den sydlige del af Gazastriben. Fire israelske soldater blev såret under angrebet, oplyser militære kilder.

To militante palæstinensere havde angrebet basen, der ligger nær Rafah grænseovergangen til Egypten, hvilket fik de israelske soldater til at gå til modangreb.

To af de sårede israeleres tilstand er livstruende.

Som naturligt er på baggrund af sådan "ordholdenhed" vælger Israelerne at beskytte sig mod sådanne angreb. Det seneste tiltag er en undervandsbarriere fra grænsen mellem Gaza-striben og Israel, og ud til søs. Ideen er at forhindre at Palæstinensiske terrorister bare svømmer op langs kysten og så slår uskyldige ihjel. Den Palæstinensiske reaktion er forudsigelig (Yahoo News via Little Green Footballs):

A Palestinian official denounced the project Friday, urging Israel to abandon its "mentality of barriers."

"This is political blindness," Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said. "The answer to all these woes of security and so on in is a meaningful peace process, is building the bridges with the Palestinians, is ending the occupation."

Gaza, home to 1.3 million Palestinians, is surrounded by an Israeli fence built to keep back attackers. Israel also is building a barrier to wall off the West Bank.

Den Palæstinensiske fordømmelse af de Israelske barrierer mod terrorister er hyklerisk, al den tid at Palæstinenserne for det første fortsætter angrebene på Israel, og for det andet har tjent tykt på selv at levere cementen til at bygge dem med:

The Egyptian cement scandal began nearly a year ago when Egypt offered to sell the PA some 420,000 tones of high- quality cement at extremely low prices -- at $12-15 per tone -- for the purpose of propping up the Palestinian economy, badly battered by sustained Israeli invasions through the last four years.

The cement was meant to be used to rebuild dilapidated Palestinian houses and buildings destroyed by the Israeli army, particularly in the Gaza Strip where entire neighborhoods in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip were recently bulldozed by Israel.

However, instead of honoring the benevolent gesture, corrupt businessmen -- most likely in coordination with influential figures within the PA -- snatched a license to import the cement from the PA National Economy Ministry, headed by Maher Al-Masri. Most of the cement was then sold to Israel, apparently with the knowledge of senior officials at the National Economy Ministry and close aides of Arafat. ...

One of the main authors of the investigation is Hasan Khreisha, a deputy speaker of the council and a frequent critic of Arafat's autocratic tendencies. Khreisha, an independent lawmaker, said that he had found records showing that the consignments amounted to 420,000 tones of high- quality cement. He said that the bulk of this amount -- 390,000 tones -- ended up in Israel and was sold at $80-100 per tone to Israeli contractors who were building the huge separation wall in the northern West Bank.

Ægypteren Arafat har også været dybt indvolveret:

Most scandalous is the fact that PA Chairman Yasser Arafat seems to have known all along about the affair. According to Khreisha, on 9 November, a letter was sent to the president by Al- Kidwa, informing him that an open-ended license was being issued to the Tarifis to import the cement from Egypt. Another letter reportedly notified Arafat that large amounts of the imported cement were being diverted to Israel by TCCM trucks.

Af den grund nægtede han selvfølgelig også at kommentere skandalen:

PA leader Yasser Arafat has been refusing to talk openly about the scandal, claiming that doing so would create confusion within Palestinian society and serve as a serious distraction from the national struggle. Last week, Arafat said that the affair was giving Israel and the United States additional ammunition to vilify the Palestinian leadership.

Ja, klart. Det kan jo kun have været derfor.

For at det ikke skal være løgn er den Palæstinensiske premierminister også blevet fanget med fingrene dybt nede i klejnekassen, godt igang med at tjene penge på at bygge mure og bosættelser for Israelerne:

The inquiry committee was investigating whether a cement company owned by Prime Minister Ahmad Qurei's family had been selling cement to Israeli settlements. On 11 February, Israeli Channel 10 TV reported that the Al-Quds
Cement Company was providing the materials to help build Israel's Apartheid Wall. Television footage also showed cement mixers leaving the Al-Quds company and driving to the Jewish settlement of Maale Adumim, just a few kilometres away. Qurei denied the claims.

Dobbeltmoral på Arabisk.


Nå ja, i skal da lige have fortsættelsen af den Palæstinensiske fordømmelse med:

"I hope the Israeli mentality of barriers will end," Erekat said. "Now they have land barriers and tomorrow sea barriers and the day after sky barriers and what else? Will they put a barrier around each Palestinian individual or house?"

Se, DET var jo en ide :-)


En Israeler i JP, via Polemiken:
“Vi kom her og forvandlede en sandørken til verdens bedste og højest udviklede landbrug. Tag en kilometer mod vest og se den arabiske del. De har fået millioner og atter millioner i tilskud fra hele verden. Men der er ikke et græsstrå, ikke et kulturhus, intet. Kun had, had, had.”
