torsdag, juni 16, 2005

Menneskeofringer i England

Som nævnt før her på bloggen lader det til at kulturberigelsen har nået nye højder i England takket være importen af visse grupper af Afrikanske indvandrere. Seneste multikulturelle tilføjelse er menneskeofringer:
Boys 'used for human sacrifice'

Children are being trafficked into the UK from Africa and used for human sacrifices, a confidential report for the Metropolitan Police suggests.

Children are being beaten and even murdered after being labelled as witches by pastors, the report leaked to BBC Radio 4's Today programme said.

Police face a "wall of silence" in investigations because of fear and mistrust among the groups involved.

It follows the case of a girl tortured by her guardians for being a witch. ...

Det tilfælde har jeg behandlet tidligere her. Flere detaljer om de afrikanske ritualer:
"The most gruesome details come from the African communities," he said.

"This report talks of rituals, of witchcraft, being practised in churches in London. It is described as big business."

'Dead meat'

It said that people who are desperate seek out churches to cast spells for them.

"Members of the workshop said for spells to be powerful it required a sacrifice of a male child unblemished by circumcision," the report said.

Contributors said boys were being trafficked into the UK for this purpose, but did not give details because they said they feared they would be "dead meat" if they told any more.

There were also claims that youngsters were being smuggled into the UK as domestic slaves and for men with HIV who believed if they had sex with a child they would be cleansed. ...

"A few weeks ago the Met put out a number of 300 black children missing from schools.

"There's no evidence that any of these children have been traced.

Selvfølgelig skal noget sådant bortforklares:

But Dr William Les Henry, a lecturer in sociology at Goldsmith's College, said there was an element of racism about the report.

He said: "The model that they're based on, they always seem to base their models on the fact that Africans are less civilized, less rational, so their whole systems of
rationality are irrational."

Der er jo ingen grund til reelt at tage stilling til hvad der er sket, når man kan beskylde nogen for racisme. BBC fortæller ikke at manden selv er sort og at han åbenbart har en forkærlighed for at fordømme påståede "kulturelle barrierer" som sorte ifølge ham står over for.

I mellemtiden er den ovennævnte praksis med at voldtage børn for at blive kureret for AIDS velkendt i Sydafrika (artiklen er fra November 2001):
Although South Africa enjoys one of the highest incidences of rape in the world...few things have galvanized such universal outrage across all racial groups as the recent gang rape of a 9-month-old baby by six men in the Northern Cape. ...

In particular, the case has dramatized the fact that many rapes in South Africa are committed against minors, often because it is believed in this AIDS-stricken country that only sex with a virgin will free one of the HIV virus. ...

This in turn has made girls of younger and younger ages vulnerable to men who believe that only sex with a virgin will cleanse them of the spell of AIDS. And it must be emphasized that AIDS is often seen as the result of black magic. At the rural clinic in Izingolweni (southern KwaZulu-Natal) which I visited last week Sister Irene Bopela told me that "Typically men come here saying their family has been bewitched. What this actually means is that the man has become HIV positive while in town and then, on returning to the rural area, has infected his wife and has, in rapid succession, had two or more children. Then they realize that the whole family is dying and they say they have been bewitched. It is far easier than facing up to the man's guilt."

According to the figures released last year by the Minister for Safety and Security, Steve Tshwete, there are detailed recorded cases of 8,683 children under 18 being raped in the first six months of 1999. Mr Tshwete has, since then, refused to release any further figures but no one doubts that far more cases went unrecorded and that numbers will have increased since then.

