søndag, juni 19, 2005

Hundredvis af kriminelle stormer strand

Ekstrabladet fortæller, via Angantyrs Hjørne under overskriften "Masserøveri på badestrand i Portugal" om hvordan fem hundrede unge kriminelle stormede en badestrand og begyndte at tæve de derværende badegæster og frarøve dem alt af værdi. I EBs ord:
En bande på omkring 500 unge angreb og røvede fredag skræmte turister på en badestrand i nærheden af Cascais, der ligger 15 kilometer vest for den portugisiske hovedstad Lissabon. ...

- Små grupper af unge i alderen 12-20 år forsamlede sig og overfaldt på må og få de folk, de kom forbi på stranden, fortæller den lokale caféejer Helder Gabriel, der skyndte sig at lukke sin café af frygt for overfald. ...

I alt 60 betjente blev sendt til området, og ifølge øjenvidner blev der skudt advarselsskud op i luften. Fem personer heriblandt to betjente blev lettere såret, og i alt fire unge blev anholdt. Resten blev eskorteret til toget af politiet.
Ekstrabladet vælger som de fleste andre medier ikke at nævne at de fem hundrede overfaldsmænd var indvandrere fra Afrika (Travel Channel via Angantyrs Hjørne):

On a sunny national holiday, scores of beachgoers were stretched out in the sands at Portugal's Carcavelos beach, when like a swarm of locusts some 500 youths descended on the relaxed crowd, stirring up panic as they robbed the stunned bathers. ...

The youths, from 12 to 20 years old, were apparently second-generation immigrants who organized into gangs, according to initial police reports. ...

The gangs made a clean sweep of Carcavelos beach, acting aggressively and mugging the sunbathers en masse, police and witnesses said.

Panicking, the bathers fled, some losing track of their children in the confusion.

Police called for reinforcements and fired guns into the air. Five people, including two police officers, were injured and four suspects were arrested.
Man kan selvfølgelig slå det hen som et enestående tilfælde, men umiddelbart ser det ikke lovende ud. Opmuntrede af succesen forsøgte indvandrerbanderne at gentage den snart efter:

While Carcavelos, under heightened police security, was almost deserted on Saturday, in southern Portugal's Algarve, authorities said they broke up a group of 50 youths at Quarteira beach who were set to conduct a copycat operation.
Det er heller ikke begrænset til Portugal - Frankrig oplevede noget lignende i marts, hvor op til tusinde indvandrere løb en fredelig demonstration over ende:
Hundreds of young rioters from poor Paris suburbs disrupted the demonstration on March 8, beating teenagers to the ground and stealing mobile telephones and cameras. ...

Le Monde newspaper carried disturbing interviews with attackers and
victims in last week's trouble - both sides agreeing that the violence was exclusively carried out on white boys and girls by black and Arab

"If I went, it was not to demonstrate but to take telephones and
beat people up. There were groups of people running about stirring things up, and in the middle these idiots - these little French people just asking for it," an 18-year-old of Tunisian origin called Heikel said.

"We came to demonstrate against inequalities and we got beaten up. It's as if they thought that we - the "white Parisians " - had plenty of money, that we could buy a new mobile phone tomorrow," said Tristan Goldbronn, 16, who was badly hurt.

Police estimated that between 700 and 1,000 youngsters came into the city centre to spoil the March 8 demonstration, most of them from the Seine-Saint-Denis department in the northern suburbs.

Heikel, who attends a secondary school in the area, told Le Monde that the mainly white Parisian students who took part in the march - known in street parlance as "bolos" - were seen as spoilt and privileged, and therefore fair game.

"A bolo - he's a sitting duck, a victim," he said.

Da skoleeleverne ugen efter demonstrerede igen blev flere tusinde af dem væk, på trods af at hundredvis af politifolk og kamplædte fagforeningsaktivister beskyttede dem:
Thousands of French high-school students who demonstrated against the government in central Paris Tuesday were protected by an extensive security detail after violence and muggings that marred a similar march a week ago.

Unions provided an escort of several hundred stewards and police controlled access to the route between Republique and Nation squares. The march passed off peacefully with only a handful of arrests. ...

Student leaders said that many pupils who would have demonstrated again against the government's education policies had been scared away by last week's
violence. Police said 6,000 took part Tuesday compared to 9,000 on March 8.

Er det kun mig, eller er det lidt sigende at en "fredelig" demonstration i sådan et klima kun producerer "en håndfuld" arresterede? Det er heller ikke mange år siden lige dele autonome og indvandrere drog hærgende igennem indre København, smadrende alt på deres vej.
