Venstreradikal dominans i amerikansk undervisning
Jeg har indtil videre holdt mig fra at blogge om det notorist venstreorienterede amerikanske undervisnings-system, men den her historie er simpelthen så radikal så jeg ikke kan lade være.
Robert KC Johnson er professor i historie ved Brooklyn College ved The City University of New York, og for nylig er han kommet ud i en sand storm af vrede fordømmelser fra venstreorienterede undervisere efter han har kritiseret politiseringen (den venstreorienerede dominans over) lærer-uddannelserne. The National Council for Acceditation of Teacher Education ændrede i 2002 procedurerne for godkendelse af uddannelsessteder til at uddanne lærere. Fra da af var et af kravene, at de skulle producere lærere der gik ind for "social retfærdighed". Det er resultaterne af dette Robert Johnson vovede at kritisere (fra Rocky Mountain News):
The education faculty, he said, assumes as fact that "an education centered on social justice prepares the highest quality of future teachers." He cited a required course called "Language and Literacy Development in Secondary Education" whose instructor spent the class period before Election Day showing Michael Moore's political polemic Fahrenheit 9/11 and insisted that students acknowledge that "white English" was an "oppressors' language." Several students, Johnson said, had filed written complaints with the department chair about inappropriately political instruction.
Normalt ville de fleste vel tage given kritik op til overvejelse, for at se om der måske kunne være noget ved det. Ikke i New York:
Instead, the School of Education went into full "How dare you say that!" mode. On official letterhead, signed by 34 faculty and administrators and sent to just about everybody important they could think of who might have some say over Johnson's position at Brooklyn College, they expressed their "contempt" for what they describe as his "attacks on a colleague" and decried his "woeful ignorance" of "what educators across the country are trying to accomplish."
They admit he has the right to make whatever claims he wishes, but conclude "we must insist you stop such attacks."
That is, he has the right to express opinions with which they disagree, but they insist he not exercise it.
Anti-fløjens respekt for andre folks holdninger glimrer ved sit fravær. Tag Kim fra Uriasposten´s oplevelse fra pro-USA-demoen som eksempel. Tidligere fik jeg også at vide her på bloggen at jeg skulle "holde min kæft".
Jeg ser på om jeg bringer mere om emnet i fremtiden.
Robert KC Johnson er professor i historie ved Brooklyn College ved The City University of New York, og for nylig er han kommet ud i en sand storm af vrede fordømmelser fra venstreorienterede undervisere efter han har kritiseret politiseringen (den venstreorienerede dominans over) lærer-uddannelserne. The National Council for Acceditation of Teacher Education ændrede i 2002 procedurerne for godkendelse af uddannelsessteder til at uddanne lærere. Fra da af var et af kravene, at de skulle producere lærere der gik ind for "social retfærdighed". Det er resultaterne af dette Robert Johnson vovede at kritisere (fra Rocky Mountain News):
The education faculty, he said, assumes as fact that "an education centered on social justice prepares the highest quality of future teachers." He cited a required course called "Language and Literacy Development in Secondary Education" whose instructor spent the class period before Election Day showing Michael Moore's political polemic Fahrenheit 9/11 and insisted that students acknowledge that "white English" was an "oppressors' language." Several students, Johnson said, had filed written complaints with the department chair about inappropriately political instruction.
Normalt ville de fleste vel tage given kritik op til overvejelse, for at se om der måske kunne være noget ved det. Ikke i New York:
Instead, the School of Education went into full "How dare you say that!" mode. On official letterhead, signed by 34 faculty and administrators and sent to just about everybody important they could think of who might have some say over Johnson's position at Brooklyn College, they expressed their "contempt" for what they describe as his "attacks on a colleague" and decried his "woeful ignorance" of "what educators across the country are trying to accomplish."
They admit he has the right to make whatever claims he wishes, but conclude "we must insist you stop such attacks."
That is, he has the right to express opinions with which they disagree, but they insist he not exercise it.
Anti-fløjens respekt for andre folks holdninger glimrer ved sit fravær. Tag Kim fra Uriasposten´s oplevelse fra pro-USA-demoen som eksempel. Tidligere fik jeg også at vide her på bloggen at jeg skulle "holde min kæft".
Jeg ser på om jeg bringer mere om emnet i fremtiden.
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