tirsdag, august 30, 2005

Pro-Bush demonstrationer i USA

Hvis man følger bare minimalt med i nyhederne, og især holder øje med nyheder fra USA, så vil man efterhånden have lagt mærke til at anti-folkene i USA nu har fundet på at hjernevaske (se feks her) en sørgende mor og bruge hendes skyldfølelse over sønnens død til at vinde billige point i kampen mod at bringe demokrati og frihed til Irak. Moren - Cindy Sheehan - har de betalt for at slå sig ned i Crawford, Texas, hvor hun så kræver at Præsident Bush skal trække 150.000 amerikanske soldater ud af Irak fordi hun siger han skal.

Hvad man nok ikke vil have lagt mærke til er at der pt er flere pro-Bush-demonstranter i Crawford end der er anti-folk (via Little Green Footballs):

CRAWFORD - President Bush’s supporters poured into Crawford Saturday by the thousands, for the first time outnumbering war protesters led by Cindy Sheehan, who began a vigil here three weeks ago, demanding a personal meeting with the vacationing president to talk about her son’s death in Iraq....

An estimated 3,000 to 4,000 people attended a pro-Bush rally in Crawford, waving flags and pledging their allegiance to U.S. troops. At times, they accused Cindy Sheehan of dishonoring the war death of her own son, Casey, who was in the Army.

Jeannine McEwin, 69, said she and her husband, Harold, made the six-hour trip from their home on Toledo Bend Lake, a mile from the Louisiana border, to help conservatives overcome the dominance anti-war demonstrators have had here since Sheehan came to town on Aug. 6.
“The left has had so much publicity, and we have sat back and done nothing,” McEwin said. “We have allowed them to take over.”

Harold McEwin, 70, said he came to support Bush and the reasons for the war in Iraq.

“When I was 8 years old I walked the streets of Shreveport picking up metal coat hangers to be used to build bombs and bullets” for World War II, he said, adding: “I started out my patriotism right there.”

Der er stadig mennesker i live der kan huske sidste gang verden kæmpede mod totalitære terrorister.


LGF har også et link til et billedarkiv med billeder fra pro. Bush demonstrationerne.

Update II:

Azygos har billeder og en veskrivelse af en anden pro-Bush demonstration. Hvis nogen skulle undre sig, så STFU = Shut The Fuck Up.

Update III:

Ups - Azygos påpeger at de godt nok støtter Bush i hans egenskab af Commander-in-chief, men at en del af dem er knapt så tilfredse med ham ellers. Så vi laver lige "pro-Bush" i Update II om til "pro-commander-in-chief".



Anonymous Anonym said...

You are slightly mistaken to categorize the Phoenix Tour as Pro-Bush. There are many of us quite angry at the current administration but still have the sense to know when it is right to support our troops and our commander.

Thanks for the link


5:16 PM  
Blogger Henrik said...

Sorry about that. Will correct the mistake in a few seconds.

Great work, btw :-)


9:45 AM  

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