tirsdag, juli 26, 2005

Amnesty International: Irakiske "oprørere" = krigsforbrydere

Taget meget af det anti-amerikanske spin Amnesty International har losset ud i betragtning (jeg meldte mig ud sidste måned at samme grund) formår organisationen faktisk at være overraskende fornuftig i rapporten In cold blood: abuses by armed groups:

War crimes

Under customary international humanitarian law, war crimes can be committed during international and non-international armed conflicts.(142) They include acts such as wilful killing; torture or inhuman treatment; taking of hostages; intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population; intentionally directing attacks against people involved in humanitarian assistance or peacekeeping; indiscriminate attacks, which violate fundamental principles of international humanitarian law, including distinction between civilians and civilian objects, on the one hand, and members of armed forces and military objectives, on the other; killing those who have surrendered; attacking religious institutions; and "[k]illing or wounding treacherously a combatant adversary"(143), for example by approaching enemy soldiers pretending to be a civilian so as to attack them by surprise.

Many of the acts perpetrated by armed groups in Iraq during both the international and non-international phases of the conflict since March 2003 constitute war crimes. ...

Crimes against humanity

Under customary international law, as reflected in the Rome Statute, crimes against humanity are acts specified by the Statute committed as part of a ''widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population'', ''pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy to commit such attack."(145) Among the relevant crimes listed in the Statute are murder, unlawful imprisonment, torture and other inhumane acts.(146) Acts that constitute war crimes may also amount to crimes against humanity if they meet the requirements of the definition.

Such acts have been committed by armed groups in Iraq as part of attacks against civilians that are widespread and systematic, and perpetrated as part of a publicly declared policy to target civilians. The attacks therefore satisfy the definition of crimes against humanity.

Hvis man ser bort fra at de stadig kalder terroristerne for "bevæbnede grupper", så lyder det jo næsten fornuftigt. De gjorde akkurat det samme med de islamiske terrorister, der hærgede Egypten i 1990erne.
