søndag, oktober 02, 2005

Inter-arabiske kampe i Palæstina

Lige så snart jøderne er ude går araberne i gang med at slå hinanden ihjel (fra BBC):

A Palestinian police commander and a civilian have been killed in Gaza City in clashes between security forces and Hamas Islamic militants.

More than 40 other people were injured in the fighting which flared up when police tried to stop a car in Gaza City carrying Hamas activists. ..

The BBC's Alan Johnston reports that the Gaza clashes were sporadic but, at times, intense exchanges of fire and occasionally the sound of grenade blasts echoed across the city.

Grenade attacks

Police and Hamas militants briefly exchanged gunfire in a clash on Nasser Street, which police say began when they were attacked by Hamas supporters as they tried to resolve a minor dispute.

Hamas said the police were trying to detain Mohammed al-Rantissi, son of Abdel Aziz Rantissi, the Hamas leader killed in an Israeli air strike last year.

Fighting spread to two other parts of Gaza City, with Hamas supporters attacking police stations there.

Reports say Hamas members used rifles, rocket-propelled grenades and hand grenades.

Borgerkrig i sigte?


Ynetnews har en del flere detaljer om kampene i Gaza, komplet med Hamas-terrorister der bombarderer politistationer med morter-granater. Ifølge CBC er mindst 10 af de sårede politifolk.