søndag, juli 10, 2005

Lidt gode nyheder

Jeg faldt tilfældigvis over følgende historie fra MSNBC:
Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne brought much heartache to Floridians in 2004. Families were split up, careers interrupted, marriages postponed; businesses, schools, post offices and hospitals shut down for weeks, even months.

Some Floridians, however, say there has been a blessed aftershock this summer: a bumper baby crop, the “hurricane baby boom” of 2005.

Hospitals across central Florida are reporting double-digit spikes in births, a phenomenon many obstetricians, nurses and parents attribute to three hurricanes that crisscrossed the region in August and September.

In Orlando, which was slapped by Charley, Frances and Jeanne, deliveries at Winter Park Memorial were up 26 percent from May 20 to June 7, compared with the same period in 2004.

The Florida Hospital in Orlando saw a 24 percent spike in May; Central Florida Regional, in nearby Sanford, and Health Central, in the neighboring city of Ocoee, reported similar increases.

And in Daytona Beach, deliveries shot up 25 percent at the Halifax Medical Center in late May, and 21 percent for the month of June, according to Kate Holcomb, a hospital spokeswoman.

Strømmen var i mange egne af Florida afbrudt i tre dage, og med den også alt der hedder feks fjernsyn. Man kan så selv regne ud hvad folk har lavet i stedet :-)
