lørdag, juli 09, 2005

Ny ammunition i krigen mod terroristerne

The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler har et lille indlæg om ny ammunition til vestlige snigskytter:

New ammunition types now mean the long range sniper can engage targets such as fortifications, light armoured vehicles, helicopters and boats. It is claimed that the NM140 can neutralise a target wearing kevlar body armour standing behine (sic)a brick wall at 2000 metres.

Til sammenligning er den største afstand en amerikansk snigskytte har dræbt en "oprører" på godt en kilometer, i Fallujah i efteråret 2004:

Seen through a twenty-power spot scope, terrorists scrambled to deliver another mortar round into the tube. Across the Euphrates River from a concealed rooftop, the Marine sniper breathed gently and then squeezed a few pounds of pressure to the delicate trigger of the M40A3 sniper rifle in his grasp.

The rifle's crack froze the booming Fallujah battle like a photograph. As he moved the bolt back to load another round of 7.62mm ammunition, the sniper's spotter confirmed the terrorist went down from the shot mere seconds before the next crack of the rifle dropped another.

It wasn't the sniper's first kill in Iraq, but it was one for the history books. ...

We decided that when the rounds came in that I would engage them with the sniper rifle. We got the splash and there were two standing up looking right at us. One had a black (outfit) on. I shot and he dropped. Right in front of him another got up on his knees looking to try and find out where we were so I dropped him too. ...

"After we had called in indirect fire and after all the adjustments from our mortars, I got the final 8-digit grid coordinates for the enemy mortar position, looked at our own position using GPS and figured out the distance to the targets we dropped to be 1,050 yards," said Flowers with a grin. "This time we were killing terrorism from more than 1,000 yards."

Canadiske snigskytter har før sat Talebanere ud af spillet på 2.450 meters afstand, men det var i Afghanistans tynde luft.



Anonymous Anonym said...

Jeg må med "skam" meddele,jeg følte en vis tilfredshed ved at læse denne historie fra det virkelige liv.Der er ikke underkastelse på programmet alle steder,der er nogen der forsvarer os.
Peter B.

6:09 PM  
Anonymous hvid riflet said...

Tak for udstationering!

9:08 AM  

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