torsdag, oktober 13, 2005

Bush´s popularitet - og syv andre præsidenters

Der er - også i den danske presse (eks Politiken) - blevet gjort meget ud af, at diverse meningsmålinger giver Bush hans laveste popularitet endnu i hans to præsidentperioder. Det er så hvad det er, men nu har Powerline Blog set på, om tilslutningen faktisk er så historisk lav som den bliver fremstillet som:

But are Bush's numbers really that bad? His current Real Clear Politics average stands at 41.7% approval. That is at or about the low point in nearly five years in office. How does it compare to other presidents' lowest poll ratings? Actually, it's not bad. Here are the low approval ratings for the last seven presidents:

*Johnson: 35%
*Nixon: 24%
*Ford: 37%
*Carter: 28%
*Reagan: 35%
*Bush I: 29%
*Clinton: 37%

Yes, that's right: Every president since 1963 has had approval ratings, at one time or another during his administration, at least five points lower than Bush's current nadir.
