søndag, september 18, 2005

Har Reuters forfalsket et memo fra George Bush?

Nå ja, nu har jeg været igang med BBC en gang idag, så her kommer en til (Biased BBC via Little Green Footballs):

Now they really are taking the obsession with Bush to new extremes. Yes, the BBC has reported that the president once needed to pee. (Hat tip: Susan)

Stop the presses! In another blow for the media credibility, "Susan" a reader of "bloggs", has thrown a googly to demonstrate that his handwriting's not like that.

I await the retraction from the BBC. ("Correction: Bush Did Not Need To Urinate After All.")
Some may suspect that the whole thing was a Karl Rove put-up job to make the BBC look silly.

After all, just how likely is it that some amateur could detect and disprove the so-called hoax in a mere six minutes, when trained professionals had taken it at face value?

Hvis man selv vil sammenligne er der et billede af det påståede memo her, og et reelt eksempel på Bush´s håndskrift her.


Ked af, det har skullet tage mig så længe, men jeg må dementere historien foroven - Condoleezza Rice har stemplet den som sand. Her på bloggen har jeg været klog nok til ikke at udtale mig om historiens sandhed, men i mandags var jeg knapt så klog ovre på Uriasposten. Jeg kan altid undskylde mig med, jeg var syg og på penicillin, men indrømmer alligevel gerne at jeg der tog fejl.

Mea Culpa.
