søndag, juli 24, 2005

Terror-onkel truer med flere angreb på London

For en uge siden blev onklen til en af selvmordsbomberne der slog 56 uskyldige ihjel for lidt over to uger siden interviewet af The News of the World" (ZNews)

The uncle of Shahzad Tanweer, one of the four London bomb suspects, has defended his nephew's actions as a desperate "sacrifice" in an interview with the British tabloid newspaper 'The News of thee World'.

"These suicide bombers are desperate people," Bashir Ahmed told the Sunday Paper. "They are not getting their rights. They can see that their brothers are not getting their rights, so they take extreme action."

"This lad has made a name for himself in the world. Muslims call it a sacrifice, the Europeans call him a terrorist," he was quoted as saying.

Tanweer's uncle laid the blame for the rush-hour attacks on London's transport network at the feet of British Prime Minister Tony Blair and US President George W Bush, warning, "there will be more".

Og sandt nok, kun nogle få dage senere prøvede muslimske terrorister igen at slå snesevis af uskyldige ihjel. Denne gang var de da heldigvis for inkompetente til at opnå deres mål.

Men mon ikke man lige skulle tage et kig på onklen?
