fredag, juni 03, 2005

Eftergivenhedspolitik i Korea

Fra CNN:

North Korea has vowed not to return to the nuclear bargaining table unless it receives an apology from the United States for making hostile remarks about its leadership.

USAs vicepræsident Cheney havde kaldt Nordkoreas kommunistiske diktator Kim Jong-Il "verdens mest uansvarlige leder". Det er så hvad det er, men koreanernes sårede følelser virker pænt dobbeltmoralske i forhold til at statsradiofonien in Nordkorea dagen før selv havde gjort grin med USAs udenrigs- og forsvarsministe:

Rice, who in January called North Korea one of six outposts of tyranny, was introduced as "A hen strutting around in the White House, crowing arrogantly." Later she was characterized as "A [expletive] running riot on the beach."

Rumsfeld was portrayed as having ruled the roost during President Bush's first term, but now was little more than an aging cockerel keeping a low profile.

And the actor playing Rice brands Rumsfeld "an old crock."

Igen gør Nord-koreanerne alt hvad de kan for at blive væk fra et forhandlingsbord hvor de umuligt kan få mere end de gør ved deres nuværende barnagtive opførsel. Sidste måned fik de således 200.000 tons gødning gratis af den Sydkoreanske regering bare for at Nordkoreanerne skulle gå med til at den Sydkoreanske udenrigsminister kunne deltage i festligholdelsen af 5-år jubilæet for et andet møde. Det skægge er at Nordkoreanerne allerede nu, før hele sendingen er blevet leveret, bryder aftalen - bare uden at Sydkoreanerne så stopper leverancerne. Som det Sydkoreanske dagblad JoongAn Daily siger under overskriften "Modstå Nordens Bøllestreger":

How can we have a meaningful dialogue with the North when it breaks agreements even before the signature ink is dry?

In a sense, our side is responsible for the abrogation this time. Because this incident clearly reveals how much North Korea looks down on us. The unification festival is an annual event that includes participation by civic organizations from the South. For participation, however, Seoul proposed, "We will provide 200,000 tons of fertilizer, so you should accept Unification Minister Chung Dong-young's visit." At such a proposal, what will the North think of us? By showing the cabinet minister in charge of North Korea policy is so anxious to visit Pyongyang, didn't we give the North an assurance that "Seoul won't dare to reject our side, even if we break an agreement."

Er der mere at sige til det?
