lørdag, oktober 01, 2005


Engang i mellem spekulerer man på, hvad faen der går galt for menneskerets-fanatikerne. Nu har et engelsk hospital besluttet sig for, at det at spørge til andre folks spædbørn eller pludre med dem er en krænkelse af deres menneskerettigheder. Fra The Times:

Calderdale Royal Hospital in Halifax, West Yorkshire, has also banned well-wishers from asking mothers about their babies. The rules have been introduced by neonatal staff to protect the babies’ “right to privacy”. Debbie Lawson, neonatal manager at the Special Care Baby Unit, said that the barrage of questions infringed a child’s human rights.

“We know people have good intentions, and most people cannot resist cooing over new babies, but we need to respect the child. Cooing should be a thing of the past because these are little people with the same rights as you or me,” she said. ...

New regulations have been introduced throughout the maternity unit. One ward has put a doll in a cot on display, with a message that reads: “What makes you think I want to be looked at?” Mrs Lawson said: “Hopefully our message comes across loud and clear. The Government has set a benchmark that every patient has a right to privacy and dignity, and we say that includes tiny babies as well.

Hvad fanden går der galt for dem?
