fredag, august 19, 2005

Begyndende fornuft på venstrefløjen?

Ovre på Filtrat har de fået øje på noget så sjældent som et tilfælde af fornuft på den radikale venstrefløj:

..The far Left will always support Third World peoples against what they view as an imperialist West,’ notes one analyst who has closely followed the phenomenon. Another says, ‘Islamists in the West have skilfully used the tools of intellectual intimidation to build an inviolate wall around Islam, giving it a sacred status that brooks no criticism.’ The French Leftist leader Olivier Besançonneau added political piquancy when explaining his inclusivist approach to the Islamists: ‘Are these not the new slaves? Is it not natural they should unite with the working class to destroy the capitalist system?

’But there are small voices of doubt. To some within Britain’s Trotskyite Alliance for Workers’ Liberty, the unholy marriage is outright heresy. One Trot describes SWP advocates of the Black–Red alliance as ‘demoralised Guardian readers with headscarves’, a withering allusion to the SWP organiser who ordered secular, socialist women to cover their heads while demonstrating with their Muslim sisters outside the Israeli embassy in London. And he is scathing of SWP monitors who enforced gender segregation to mollify Muslim sensibilities at a demonstration in Trafalgar Square.

Et isoleret tilfælde, eller er der grund til håb?
