lørdag, august 13, 2005


National Review har en anmeldelse af James Bennet´s "The Anglosphere Challenge: Why the English-Speaking Nations Will Lead the Way in the Twenty-First Century" online. Anmelderen er ikke enig i Bennet´s hypotese, men derfor kan man jo godt lære noget af den alligevel:

Bennett has constructed his own thesis of the Anglosphere out of this Anglo-Protestant historical inheritance. "It is our core values and characteristics that have made us dynamic," he writes, "and it is to those values that we must return": individualism, rule of law, the honoring of covenants, and an emphasis on freedom. The core of Bennett's Anglosphere comprises the countries where these values are dominant: the U.S., the U.K., Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, English-speaking Canada, and the English-speaking Caribbean. He also includes the educated English-speaking populations of South Africa and India as important "nodes." He describes some other former colonies, including Zimbabwe and the Philippines, as outside the inner circle but still closer to the center than to the periphery.

Bennett wants to distinguish the Anglosphere from other models of international alliance that he believes have outlived their usefulness. The principal one is the concept of "the West": the European-descended countries that constituted Western civilization. The widening gulf between continental Europe and the U.S. shows that the concept of the West is already anachronistic. It was artificially prolonged anyway, Bennett argues, by the need for an identity to tie NATO together during the Cold War. In the post-Soviet era, there is nothing to inhibit the development of a separate identity for the English-descended civilizations.

Læs selv resten, men spekuler på hvilken del af "Vesten" du selv synes Danmark burde alliere sig med.
